The Dangers You Can Face While Working on a Military Base

The Dangers You Can Face While Working on a Military Base

In 2017, the Pentagon released a one-of-a-kind report on the number of sexual assaults across all U.S. military bases. The report revealed that sexual assault was more likely in Navy barracks for both men and women. All jobs in the military carry some sort of risk a...
Top 5 Questions to Ask a Defense Base Act Attorney

Top 5 Questions to Ask a Defense Base Act Attorney

When you suffer an injury while working as a federal contractor outside of the US, you should seek services of a defense base act lawyer. The lawyer will help you get the compensation you need after filing for a worker’s compensation claim. As a federal worker, you...
How to Avoid the 6 Most Common Workplace Injuries

How to Avoid the 6 Most Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are common and can range from minor discomfort to death. While employers are partially responsible for keeping their employees safe, your well-being is also dependent on you. Read on for the top 6 workplace injuries and what you can do to avoid...