
How to Choose the Right Defense Base Act Attorney

How to Choose the Right Defense Base Act Attorney

Did you know that the Defense Base Act protects military contractors working on overseas bases? Before the law was signed into effect in 1941, workers found it challenging to receive benefits if they got injured on the job site. Unfortunately, these individuals didn't...

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3 Pitfalls to Avoid During the Legal Process for DBA Claims

3 Pitfalls to Avoid During the Legal Process for DBA Claims

Were you recently injured while working outside the United States on a military base or under a contract with the U.S. government? If you're eligible for benefits under the Defense Base Act, don't rush to file your claim. Filing DBA claims in a rush often leads to...

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5 Signs of a High-Quality Defense Base Act Lawyer

5 Signs of a High-Quality Defense Base Act Lawyer

Imagine spending years working on a U.S. military base or under a contract with the U.S. government, only to sustain an injury. Without aid, you'll have to pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses out of pocket. Unfortunately, it's a reality for many...

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The Role of Lawyers in Defense Base Act Claims

The Role of Lawyers in Defense Base Act Claims

The Defense Base Act was passed in 1941 to protect overseas employees working for private employers on United States military bases. The law extended the benefits of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act to those working outside of the continental US....

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Common Issues When Working With a DBA Attorney

Common Issues When Working With a DBA Attorney

The United States has the most widespread military presence of any nation, with over 750 bases on foreign soil and in more than 80 countries! The operation is so vast that many civilians get employed to do specialized jobs at many of these sites. Working...

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How Does a DBA Lawyer Protect Civilian Employees?

How Does a DBA Lawyer Protect Civilian Employees?

If you're a civilian contractor working alongside the US Armed Forces, you have a lot of benefits. One of them being Defense Base Act coverage. It doesn't matter what country you're from or where you live. It's important to know that insurance companies can...

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How to Finance Your Defense Base Act Lawyer Fees

How to Finance Your Defense Base Act Lawyer Fees

No one takes a job working as a Department of Defense contractor thinking they will get injured or die in a foreign country. Unfortunately, many of these workers are injured, and some die. When you're injured while overseas, navigating the legal ins and outs of a...

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What Are the Most Common DBA Workplace Accidents?

What Are the Most Common DBA Workplace Accidents?

The Defense Base Act (DBA) passed in 1941, and has dictated how worker's compensation claims are handled on military bases and similar projects. Understanding DBA claims will help you figure out how to address workplace accidents as they come along. These...

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What Is the Jones Act? A Brief Guide

What Is the Jones Act? A Brief Guide

1920 was a big year in US history. Two amendments were passed in the same year--Prohibition and Women's Suffrage. The first radio station hit the air, the Ponzi scheme was invented, and F. Scott Fitzgerald published his first novel. One major event of 1920...

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How to Hire a Lawyer for Your Defense Base Act Claim

How to Hire a Lawyer for Your Defense Base Act Claim

After suffering an injury at work on a military base, you're worried about how you'll be able to support yourself long term. Unfortunately, you're not the only worker battling work-related injuries. Research shows that more than 196,000 injuries in 2020 were...

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Navigating the Fine Print of the Defense Base Act

Navigating the Fine Print of the Defense Base Act

No one reads fine print unless it's their job to do so. So, if you don't know the details of Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance coverage, don't worry, our DBA lawyers have done the reading for you. This article will highlight some of the more important items...

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Questions to Ask Your Defense Base Act Lawyer Before Hiring

Questions to Ask Your Defense Base Act Lawyer Before Hiring

Have been injured while working on a government contract overseas? If so, you may be entitled to compensation under the Defense Base Act (DBA). The DBA provides workers' compensation benefits to employees working on government contracts outside the United...

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3 Major Benefits of Hiring a DBA Attorney

3 Major Benefits of Hiring a DBA Attorney

Did you know that PTSD is three times more common in people who work in US government agencies abroad? While most believe this applies only to service members, it also applies to interpreters and defense contractors. One of the most important decisions you...

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How to Improve Your DBA Claims Process

How to Improve Your DBA Claims Process

Studies indicate that exposure to hazardous substances or environments was a factor in 36,840 job injuries in 2020 – a year with one of the most off-days. Working overseas for the U.S. government or its contractors can be risky, which is why the Defense Base...

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3 Things You Should Know About Defense Base Act Claims

3 Things You Should Know About Defense Base Act Claims

If you work as a defense contractor or an interpreter, it pays to understand your rights and legal protections. One type of protection designated for people in these roles is the Defense Base Act (DBA). As its name suggests, this act covers employees working on US...

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Can You File a DBA Claim for PTSD?

Can You File a DBA Claim for PTSD?

In 2021, out of the 6 million veterans who served the nation, around 10% of men (or 10 out of every 100) and 19% of women (or 19 out of every 100) experienced PTSD. If you are a civilian contractor or employee working on a Defense Base Act (DBA) site and...

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Can a DBA Lawyer Help You File for DBA Claims?

Can a DBA Lawyer Help You File for DBA Claims?

It's estimated that one in eleven people will be diagnosed with PTSD in their lifetime, and the possibility of defense contract workers developing it is shockingly high. If you're a civilian employee that developed PTSD or were injured while working outside...

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How Long Does the DBA Claims Process Take?

How Long Does the DBA Claims Process Take?

The Defense Base Act (DBA) is a crucial piece of legislation passed in 1941. The purpose? To cover civilians working overseas on government contracts at military bases.  If you need to file a claim under the DBA, you may wonder what the DBA claims...

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5 Ways the Defense Base Act Protects U.S. Workers

5 Ways the Defense Base Act Protects U.S. Workers

More than 700,000 civilians are employed around the globe on US military bases. These people work in support of US military operations, often facing similar dangers to military personnel.  Yet, they don't have the same coverage as military personnel....

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How to Collect Your Award Following a DBA Claim

How to Collect Your Award Following a DBA Claim

Did you know that compensation benefits for a DBA claim amount to two-thirds of an employee's average weekly wage?  If you feel that it is time to collect your award after a DBA claim, it's important to understand how the DBA claims process works. This...

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3 Tips for Hiring a Defense Base Act Lawyer in 2023

3 Tips for Hiring a Defense Base Act Lawyer in 2023

Did you know that there are over two million people in the United States military? With so many people representing the country overseas in dangerous environments, it is not uncommon for someone to get injured while serving.  If you find yourself in...

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