5 Questions to Ask Your Potential DBA Lawyer

5 Questions to Ask Your Potential DBA Lawyer

Have you been injured during a U.S. government contract job? Has your injury limited your ability to work? Under the Defense Base Act, you are entitled to compensation.  With a DBA lawyer, you can be fairly represented. Some cases are disputed or denied....
Are You Eligible for Defense Base Act Claims?

Are You Eligible for Defense Base Act Claims?

Did you know that workplace injuries and illnesses cost the U.S. approximately $250 billion annually? Besides, 15% of workplace injuries in the United States of America happen in manufacturing. Today, military operations depend almost entirely on...
How Do You Know If a DBA Attorney Is Qualified?

How Do You Know If a DBA Attorney Is Qualified?

The Defense Base Act (DBA) ensures that individuals working with the U.S. military and on government and/or military lands overseas are provided with proper coverage in cases of injury. Unfortunately, individuals who deserve this compensation may not receive it. In...
Are There Exceptions to Defense Base Act Claims?

Are There Exceptions to Defense Base Act Claims?

Are you among the more than 330,000 people working in the army as a civilian? If so, you must familiarize yourself with the Defense Base Act Claims. DBA claims provide army civilian workers compensation in case of injuries. Working alongside military personnel for the...
How to Get the Most Out of Your DBA Claims

How to Get the Most Out of Your DBA Claims

In 1941, congress enacted the defense base act to facilitate compensation for military and US citizens working abroad. Americans working in foreign territories, especially war-prone areas, face more danger. Thus, they deserve more compensation for their...
When to Hire a Defense Base Act Lawyer for PTSD

When to Hire a Defense Base Act Lawyer for PTSD

The United States Military employs several hundred thousand civilians in a number of different capacities. Unfortunately, this also means that these civilians are at risk of the same injuries and trauma that any service member would be. When a civilian working for the...