DBA Claims for PTSD: When Am I Eligible?

DBA Claims for PTSD: When Am I Eligible?

June is PTSD awareness month and this is a great step in the right direction for PTSD awareness. Years ago, PTSD was called “shell-shock” and “battle fatigue”, and unfortunately, largely ignored. Thankfully, there have been strides made to help...
Your DBA Claim Was Denied: Now What?

Your DBA Claim Was Denied: Now What?

You have to expect the unexpected when working as a contractor overseas. Risks and complications abound, whether you’re employed on a public works contract or in a security position. Unlike many other occupations, you also face a higher risk of injury or...
Tips for Working With a DBA Lawyer

Tips for Working With a DBA Lawyer

When a soldier gets injured, they receive the Purple Heart. When a military contractor gets injured, they may receive nothing.  The only way for you to get the compensation you deserve is by filing a DBA claim. More than 15,000 people filed claims during the...
What Constitutes a DBA Claim?

What Constitutes a DBA Claim?

The most common type of workers’ compensation, according to federal figures, is those caused by motor vehicles. By that same accounting, the most costly, averaging more than $100,000 in lost wages, is workers’ compensation due to an amputation....
5 DBA Lawyer Facts to Know Before Hiring an Attorney

5 DBA Lawyer Facts to Know Before Hiring an Attorney

Do you have military-related health concerns? Or maybe you got injured while working overseas? Either way, a DBA lawyer might be exactly what you need.  According to Defense Pricing and Contracting, DBA insurance is required for all public works contracts...