Mar 25, 2021 | Defense Base Act
Each year, the United States contracts civilians for numerous projects worldwide through the Defense Base Act (DBA). These projects often expose civilians to dangerous situations. Anything can happen while working on the job. Have you been injured, or are you...
Mar 18, 2021 | Defense Base Act
A painful injury far from home, lost earnings, laborious paperwork, uncertainty: Defense Base Act claims are already stressful enough. So a rejected claim can feel like adding insult to injury. Insurance companies count on claimants feeling too overwhelmed and...
Mar 11, 2021 | Defense Base Act, Workers' Comp
Crack! That’s the sound of one of your bones breaking on the job at a U.S. military base overseas. You worry that there’s no workers’ comp as there would be if you’d been hurt on the job stateside. As it turns out, there’s no need to...
Mar 4, 2021 | Defense Base Act, PTSD
Over the past decade, U.S. government contractors have been working around the globe in warzones. Among contractors who were studied, 25% of them met the criteria for PTSD. Within recent years, more time has been devoted to raising public awareness about service...
Feb 25, 2021 | Defense Base Act
Overseas military contractors may be qualified for Defense Base Act (DBA) benefits, something crucial if you sustain injuries or contract an illness. DBA coverage allows your employer to send you home if your condition warrants it, making these benefits critical for...
Feb 18, 2021 | Defense Base Act
Federal law requires employees overseas to secure workers’ compensation insurance through US government contractors. It’s crucial to know the different types of permanent injury claims in order to access rights to your benefits. Seeking...