Feb 11, 2021 | Defense Base Act, PTSD
One out of eleven people will be diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in their lifetime. PTSD can ruin lives and make once functioning adults incapable of providing for themselves. If you suffer from PTSD or have sustained some other form of emotional or...
Feb 4, 2021 | Defense Base Act
Around 26% of civilian workers experience PTSD from their work environments. They also have high rates of injury on the job, making a regular work routine impossible. So how do you continue to live freely if you’re injured and unable to work? The Defense Base...
Jan 29, 2021 | Defense Base Act
The Defense Base Act (DBA) guarantees the benefits of workers’ compensation to civilian contractors and subcontractors working overseas for the U.S. military. What does DBA mean? DBA covers nearly any contract with a U.S. government agency for work...
Jan 22, 2021 | Defense Base Act, Workers' Comp
Defense Base Act Insurance (DBA) was enforced by the War Hazard Compensation Act and is crucial for all US government employees working overseas. The law insists that workers’ compensation benefits are available for those...
Jan 15, 2021 | Defense Base Act
When you’ve been injured, you deserve help. The federal government provides for its soldiers. One of the ways it delegates resources is through the Defense Base Act. If you are hurt on a defense base overseas, you may be entitled to compensation. But many...
Jan 8, 2021 | Defense Base Act
In a world as uncertain as ours, insurance coverage is a must-have. And when it comes to coverage for contractor employees working outside the United States on US military bases or for the government for public works or national defense, Defense Base Act Insurance...