Jun 7, 2020 | Defense Base Act
The United States currently has embassies and diplomatic missions in over 170 nations around the world. These embassies employ a huge number of Americans overseas. Working in an embassy can be a highly rewarding endeavor. If you’re thinking of pursuing a career...
May 28, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workplace Injury
You’re doing your job by helping to power the railways when you slip and fall. This results in a head injury which develops into a more serious problem later on. This is only one occupational injury that railroad workers face every day. If you’re new to the job, don’t...
May 7, 2020 | Defense Base Act
COVID-19 has shut down the economy. People are out of work and desperately looking for jobs to pay for basic necessities such as rent and food. Everyone is affected by COVID-19, especially government contractors who often work with businesses to stay...
Apr 28, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workplace Injury
The recent reports of a brain injury suffered by US military personnel after a missile strike in Iran are but only one example of the dangers faced in active warzones. Unfortunately, these dangers are faced by civilians as well as military operatives. If you have...
Apr 21, 2020 | Defense Base Act
Civilians injured while working for the US military can find it very difficult to secure compensation for the harm they’ve endured. However, the Defense Base Act provides solutions for people in this position. If you’re a civilian who has sustained an...
Apr 14, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workplace Injury
Have you or a loved one been injured while on a military base? Heard that the Defense Base Act may be able to help you out, but not sure what that is or how it works? We’re here to help! In this article, we’re covering everything you need to know about this act,...