Understanding the Zone of Special Danger

Understanding the Zone of Special Danger

The Defense Base Act (DBA) protects the compensation rights of civilians working on US military bases outside the country. The DBA is founded on the doctrine of the zone of special danger. In fact, it’s impossible to appreciate DBA cases without understanding...
What Does the Defense Base Act Cover?

What Does the Defense Base Act Cover?

Getting injured on the job is never fun. But when that injury causes you to miss work and spend money on medical treatments, it’s even more painful. The United States requires all businesses to offer workers’ compensation coverage to their employees. But what happens...
Why You Need DBA Lawyers for a PTSD Claim

Why You Need DBA Lawyers for a PTSD Claim

PTSD is a serious medical issue that affects many overseas workers. These workers can have problems finding jobs when they get back due to discrimination. If you are facing workplace discrimination due to PTSD it might be time for you to hire DBA lawyers. Read further...