Jun 22, 2023 | Defense Base Act, PTSD, Workplace Injury
The Defense Base Act (DBA) passed in 1941, and has dictated how worker’s compensation claims are handled on military bases and similar projects. Understanding DBA claims will help you figure out how to address workplace accidents as they come along....
Dec 9, 2022 | Workers' Comp, Workplace Injury
Are you a civilian defense contractor or interpreter who has been inflicted with a debilitating injury or PTSD during or after your time abroad? Federal law entitles you to workers’ compensation under the Defense Base Act. If life-changing injuries have had...
Nov 19, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workers' Comp, Workplace Injury
Did you know that the US operates almost 800 military bases in 70 countries around the world? In addition to the military personnel who get stationed there, countless civilian workers also take jobs on military bases overseas. They sign a contract with the US...
Jun 28, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workplace Injury
Staying safe and healthy while working overseas is extremely important. Especially when working in construction, it is even more important to take note of how to prevent work injuries overseas. Below we have compiled a short guide to help prevent any such injuries...
May 28, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workplace Injury
You’re doing your job by helping to power the railways when you slip and fall. This results in a head injury which develops into a more serious problem later on. This is only one occupational injury that railroad workers face every day. If you’re new to the job, don’t...
Apr 28, 2020 | Defense Base Act, Workplace Injury
The recent reports of a brain injury suffered by US military personnel after a missile strike in Iran are but only one example of the dangers faced in active warzones. Unfortunately, these dangers are faced by civilians as well as military operatives. If you have...