DBA Claims: How Long Does an Employee Have to Report an Injury?

DBA Claims: How Long Does an Employee Have to Report an Injury?

Jun 28, 2024 | Defense Base Act, Workers' Comp, Workplace Injury

Nearly 15% of injuries occur on commercial property, typically while working. Equipment, dangerous environments, and military operations can increase risks.

Every day, employees get injured on the job, which is where Barnes Law Firm can help. If you’ve been hurt at work, are are a military-civilian, filing a DBA claim will put you on a path to recovery.

But how long does an employee have to report an injury to qualify for compensation? Take a look below to discover how the legalities work so you don’t miss your deadline!

What Are DBA Claims?

Defense Base Act claims are filed after an injury occurs while working overseas. The goal of this document is to provide compensation to those who have suffered so they can help pay for medical expenses.

The original protection people had from employers was the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). The Defense Base Act is an extension of the LHWCA, providing more coverage to those in need.

Filing a DBA claim quickly after an injury is crucial for receiving disability compensation and medical assistance. Our team can offer resources to better understand DBA insurance coverage. With a DBA lawyer on your side, your case can be filed in a timely manner without any delays.

How Long Does an Employee Have to Report an Injury?

The general rule in Texas is that employees have 30 days to file a DBA claim with their employer. Although this isn’t a long time, it should provide ample opportunity to try and get benefits.

Most people notice the impact of workplace injuries within a few days. While some health problems related to the injury can occur later, you won’t have legal power after this period. The statute of limitations will then take effect a year after the injury.

How Can Barnes Law Firm Help You?

When it comes to legal claims, you don’t want to handle the project alone. If you’re in the Houston, TX area, Barnes Law Firm can ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Our attorneys specialize in the Defense Base Act and can help resolve issues with your finances and health. Getting legal support can help people with PTSD and other medical issues from work-related incidents. Our team will help you get a lump sum settlement to help you prepare for the future and recover.

Get the Medical Benefits You Deserve

If you’ve suffered from mental or physical issues from your time overseas, you are entitled to some compensation. Filing a DBA claim can help ensure you don’t miss out on any money.

Understanding how long does an employee have to report an injury is essential. Acting quickly will not only help you get your money faster but also protect you in the future. Our team is ready to assist in the Houston region so you can focus on your health and happiness.

At Barnes Law Firm, you can trust that your case is in good hands. If you want a confidential consultation, complete our form and provide brief details about the claim.