What Types of Injuries Are Covered by DBA Insurance?

What Types of Injuries Are Covered by DBA Insurance?

Jun 14, 2024 | Defense Base Act, PTSD, Workplace Injury

Nearly 50% of the military experience one or more injuries per year. Even civilian workers, like interpreters or those on defense bases, face a lot of risks. These can be anything from physical hazards to mental health issues.

That’s why it’s essential to understand what the Defense Base Act (or DBA) insurance covers. The DBA ensures that such individuals get the medical care they need in case of an injury at work. However, figuring out insurance claims is difficult, hence the importance of seeking the help of a DBA lawyer.

That said, here are the injuries covered by DBA insurance.

Physical Injuries Covered by DBA Insurance

Many risks can lead to physical injuries, from accidents to repetitive motion and overexertion. Regardless of the reason for your injury, you may be eligible for benefits under the DBA.

Some of the physical injuries covered by DBA include:

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Concussions, bruises, and head injuries from explosions, falls, or attacks are covered. These injuries can have long-term effects, but DBA ensures you get the treatment and rehab you need.

Spinal Cord Injuries

These injuries often require specialized care and extensive rehabilitation. DBA insurance covers these severe injuries, helping individuals regain their independence.

Loss of Limbs

If you lose a limb due to an accident or need an amputation because of an infection or disease, DBA insurance covers it. It provides prosthetics and ongoing care.

Broken Bones and Fractures

Falls, car accidents, and assaults can cause broken bones and fractures. These often require surgery and long recovery times. DBA insurance covers your medical costs and lost wages during recovery.

PTSD and Mental Health Conditions

Working in high-stress and traumatic environments can greatly affect mental health. The good news is that DBA insurance acknowledges the mental strain of working in tough and dangerous conditions.

It ensures that people with PTSD can get counseling, medication, and other treatments they might need. This goes a long way towards improving your quality of life and helping you recover.

Occupational Diseases and Chemical Exposures

Defense contractors and interpreters face unique health risks from their work. DBA insurance covers occupational diseases and chemical exposures. These include:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Repeating the same motions or using hands and wrists a lot can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. This can lead to pain, numbness, and tingling. DBA insurance covers medical treatment for such conditions.

Respiratory Issues

Breathing in dust, fumes, or toxic chemicals can cause respiratory problems like asthma and serious lung diseases. DBA insurance covers medical treatment. You might also qualify for disability compensation if the condition stops someone from working.

Hearing Loss

Loud aircraft, frequent explosions, and other factors can affect your hearing loss. DBA insurance covers hearing tests, hearing aids, and other treatments for hearing loss.

Understand Your Rights With the Help of a DBA Lawyer

If you or a loved one suffered an injury or illness while working on a military base, it’s crucial to understand your rights under the Defense Base Act. At Barnes Law Firm, we have extensive experience helping clients navigate DBA insurance claims. Our attorneys guide you through the process, ensuring that you receive fair compensation.

Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to help you get back on your feet. Schedule an appointment today to explore your legal options.